The Empire of Time — A Philosophical Angle
The search for something permanent is one of the deepest of the instincts
leading men to philosophy. It is derived, no doubt, from love of home and
desire ...
The Doctrine of Extermination by Bertrand Russell
An impartial examination of the conditions of international conduct today
allows no other conclusion but that the standards of behavior which were
held by ...
Abstract Notions
*Were one asked to characterize the life of religion in the broadest and
most general terms possible, one might say that it consists of the belief
that ...
Lunatic Christian Ethics
The Christian emphasis on the individual soul has had a profound influence
upon the ethics of Christian communities. It is a doctrine fundamentally
akin ...
Alan Watts on the Nature of Reality - III
I was discussing an alternative myth to the Ceramic and Fully Automatic
models of the universe, I'll call the Dramatic Myth. The idea that life as
we exper...
The Origins of Coal (an account by Jules Verne)
The better to understand this narrative, it will be as well to hear a few
words on the origin of coal. During the geological epoch, when the
terrestrial sp...
An Approach to the Greek Genius
Two opposite attitudes towards the Greeks are common at the present day.
One, which was practically universal from the Renaissance until very recent
Ideas That Have Helped Mankind by Bertrand Russell
Before we can discuss this subject we must form some conception as to the
kind of effect that we consider a help to mankind. Are mankind helped when
they b...
An Individual Conscious of Himself
When Philip ceased to believe in Christianity he felt that a great weight
was taken from his shoulders; casting off the responsibility which weighed
down e...
The Alien Universe
What is the life that brings us here? How is stray energy of the cosmos
snared in tissues and personalities? By what agency do entities, awake and
aware, e...
Horrors of the Deep
It is difficult for me to determine what was the real time, but I should
suppose, by after calculation, that it must have been ten at night.
I lay in a s...
From Castaways to Colonists
A half hour later they walked back to the camp. The engineer contented
himself with saying to his comrades that the country was an island, and
that to-morr...
Why I Am Not a Christian by Bertrand Russell
As your Chairman has told you, the subject about which I am going to speak
to you tonight is "Why I Am Not a Christian." Perhaps it would be as well,
Compassion: Buddha vs. Nietzsche
Sympathy, in the sense of being made unhappy by the sufferings of others,
is to some extent natural to human beings; young children are troubled when
they ...
A Tropical Thunderstorm
The eastern horizon was gradually assuming a most stormy aspect. A thick
dark bar of cloud was rising higher and higher, and by degrees
extinguishing the s...
The Basic-Needs Problem and Technology
Basic needs have been defined in different ways. Frances Stewart sees the
best approach to basic needs as
*one which gives priority to meeting the basic...
A Theologian's Nightmare by Bertrand Russell
The eminent theologian Dr. Thaddeus dreamt that he died and pursued his
course toward heaven. His studies had prepared him and he had no difficulty
in fi...
Common and Hazardous Air Pollutants
*America's Children and the Environment: Measures of Contaminants, Body
Burdens, and Illnesses *
*— U.S. Environmental Protection Agency— *
Official Investigations into the UFO Phenomenon
The United States Air Force had a problem. Its top brass did not consider
it a defense or a national security problem. It was a public relations
In Praise of Idleness by Bertrand Russell
Like most of my generation, I was brought up on the saying: 'Satan finds
some mischief for idle hands to do.' Being a highly virtuous child, I
believed ...
Discerning the Divine Plan
In the land lit by that neighbouring star, whose blaze is the broad
daylight, there are many and very various things, motionless and moving.
There moves am...
Mysticism, Religion and Science
The warfare between science and theology has been of a peculiar sort. At
all times and places — except late eighteenth-century France and Soviet
Russia -...
Hippocrates and the Seat of Consciousness
The advances in neuroscience in the past two decades have been as
spectacular as the advances in artificial intelligence. A great deal of
symbiosis has ...